Sunday, September 4, 2011

An expression from lover

I don't even how would it be if I could.. but everything I say and feel is just based on my feelings how I feel about you.. why this why that although you might be a guy who flirts most beautiful girls.. although you might not only like me.. although sometimes it could be days or weeks we didn't message, talk although you might be "not that serious" to me.. there's alot of althoughss.. tapi entah kenape i percaya je your feelings for me. although I know many of my reasons above could be true....

Monday, August 22, 2011

Proud born on 11th Jan

Tahun ini kita mengalami empat tarikh yang jarang berlaku iaitu 1/1/11, 1/11/11, 11/1/11 dan 11/11/11. Itu fakta pertama. Kedua, cuba ambil 2 nombor terakhir di mana tahun kita dilahirkan dan tambah dengan umur kita pada tahun ini. Keputusannya ialah 111 buat semua orang. Perkara ini terjadi sekali sahaja setiap 823 tahun. - sumber, Oh! Ge...

Sunday, August 21, 2011

'Shopping' raya . . . !

Lebih kurang seminggu lagi umat Islam akan menyambut ketibaan Hari Raya Aidilfitri... not ai psd yer. hahaha...dan sekarang juga rakyat Malaysia sedang sibuk ber'shopping' untuk persiapan raya. Seperti biasa pelbagai tempat dan pilihan untuk membeli-belah...ade yang pergi ke shopping mall, ade yang order online, ade yang pergi ke uptown danau kota atau downtown cheras untuk lebih ekonomi orang kata dan etc. Berbelanja lah dengan bijak...raya sakan jugak tapi ingatlah insan-insan yang tak berkemampuan....

Jom pasang unifi !

Jom pasang unifi . . . hehe sebuah blog yang memudahkan rakyat Malaysia untuk melanggan internet berkelajuan tinggi. Siapa yang rasa internet kat rumah lembab macam kura-kura tu boleh la langgan. kehkehkeh.... Sesuai untuk men'download' movie, menonton youtube, atau online games dengan senang hati...Selamat bertukar dan mencuba...

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Dota 2 latest news

Warcraft III as known as dota, which is the brand new dota 2 is being hold for beta version. They're currently organizing the tournament and it's just around the corner. For dota freak, you've to wait until the release of the game next year. Well you can get the latest information and tournament's update at their official site , there you can watch the live stream broadcasts and replay video....

Follow me follow you ....

Hai hye and hi...people! since i came back for blogging i've lost all my links list :( It's been ages, so let's exchange link to one another. I miss my singaporean's bloggers when i used to active in blogging. Hope can trace them back soon^...

Friday, August 19, 2011

Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan Malaysia yang ke-54!


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