Pardon me to all my frequenter blog. Lately I'm very busy to update my blog.I would share my past pictures with u all.This is an old pictures but so meaningful to me;This picture was taken during graduation day at my school.I'm at the left side.We're taking the photo at the end of event.From left to right (in front):wawa, emi, marlisa (behind):aidil, aimen , loges, mus, pian, mike.
This is our cute face.My classmates in 5 Science 2 in the year 2006. There were in school magazine.
Last month we've got gathering at klcc.They arrived earlier than me.hish!This is candid picture.I won't posed like that and Azfa was the photographer.I'm meeting my national service friends. A reunion like we always did few months back.
Mashie, Syabil, Azfa, Tiya, Isaac.I'm so not included actually because that shit sleepy face.haha!
Not forgetting to have lunch.All decided to 'jalan-jalan cari makan' at pizza hut klcc. What the bored place?I'll dying to eat pizza everyday but doesn't matter we're increasingly hungry. Addition the others were full because too many people being there as usual. Baca doa dulu sebelum makan :)
Resepi Ayam Masak Kicap Berempah
6 years ago
busy sgt ke ko skang?
ye ah,,org dah nak masuk lim kok wing,,ko tau tak,,org ya aku khai tu...dia skang tukar domain jadi justkhai..mcm ko lah~
wakaa,,ko carik larg tu nanti kat lkw...hehehe
haih tak ku sangka.
ade jgk peminat yg nk ikut domain aku.haha!
ok nnt aku cr beliau
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